About Solid State Drive (SSD) You Must Know

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There's many people who don't know about Solid State Drive, or its called SSD. SSD is one of the main storage medium in addition to the hard drive. In a computer, SSD and hard drive are function as a medium to store all data, booting also uses both these object. Unfortunately, not everyone knows SSD. Some people I have met only express opinions, they said its very fast without knowing how fast the speed of a SSD. So we'll know more About SSD


TRIM is a commands to directed the appropriate firmware from the SSD. If you don't already know, firmware is the same with general BIOS computer. A storage media will always write and read data. When deleting a data, it is actually also an activity to write data. In a hard disk, data removal activity is not completely erased. Deleted data is a link that refers to these data in a series of data and called the Table Of Content. Currently there are no data that would be written in place of (sector) the same time, new data will be overwritten directly in place of the data (sector) of the old. This is called Overwriting.

In the hard disk, overwrite these activities are common. Unfortunately, not for SSDs. Overwriting activities will lead to a garbage, garbage is causing an SSD would slow down over time because the old data is still there, so make SSDs must sort out between the old data with new. This makes the SSD is slow in reading data. TRIM make sure while the operating system will write in the same sector, the old data will be totally removed without any garbage anymore. In addition, the TRIM function will also make all sectors of the deleted and formatted into the net. This would make an SSD into tight just like new.

2. The Part of SSD

Have you ever seen the inside components of a SSD? SSD does not contain the same complex mechanical hard disk. If you ever see a RAM (random access memory), the part of an SSD is similar to that. As shown at the top, SSD only consists of a set of installed memory on a board.

3. SLC and MLC

Single-level cell (SLC) and multi-level cell (MLC) Flash memory are similar in their design. MLC Flash devices cost less and allow for higher storage density. SLC Flash devices provide faster write performance and greater reliability, even at temperatures above the operating range of MLC Flash devices.

Table provides a summary of the advantages and disadvantages of SLC Flash and MLC Flash.

Qualities SLC MLC
High Density
Low Cost per Bit
Operating Temperature Range
Low Power Consumption
Write/Erase Speeds
Write/Erase Endurance

4. Speed Test

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